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MDHHS seeking proposals for Berrien County Home Visiting Local Leadership Group

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is seeking proposals for a Local Leadership Group to work within their local/regional communities to support a comprehensive home visiting system providing services linking pregnant people, young children and their families to supports they may need.

MDHHS invites qualifying entities based in Berrien County to apply for funding to implement a Home Visiting Local Leadership Group to help support coordination of home visiting programs in the county. The Request for Proposal (RFP) is open to include 501(c)(3) nonprofits, private and public entities, local health departments, federally recognized tribes or an Urban Indian Health Clinic program, and universities.

The five-month award begins May 1, 2024, and ends Sept. 30, 2024. There is $100,000 available, with a maximum award of $100,000 and minimum awards of $40,000. Successful applicants will be eligible to apply for non-competitive annual renewals based on availability of funds and acceptable performance.

A pre-application conference will be held to discuss this funding opportunity and provide instruction on using the EGrAMS system at 9 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 8, and will last approximately 90 minutes. The conference can be accessed at At the conclusion of the conference, this link can be used to access the recording of this webinar.

Any questions concerning the content of this RFP must be sent via email to on or before Monday, Feb. 12. Questions may be discussed verbally at the pre-application conference. MDHHS will compile questions and answers and post these as well as any other clarifications or revisions to the initial RFP by Friday, Feb. 16, on the EGrAMS website.

Grant applications for the Berrien County Home Visiting Local Leadership Group Program RFP must be submitted electronically through EGrAMS by 3 p.m., Friday, March 15.

For more information or to apply, visit the EGrAMS website and select "About EGrAMS" link in the left panel to access the "Competitive Application Instructions" training manual. The complete RFP can be accessed under the ‘Current Grants’ section under the “Public Health Administration” link and selecting the “BCLL-2024” grant program.

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