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MDHHS Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Unit Materials Order Form

Available Materials & Descriptions

Less Salt. Better Health.

This is a 7 x 3.5-inch tri-fold card stock sodium resource with a question-and-answer format.
Note: When ordering, please specify English, Spanish or Arabic.

salt shaker with salt inside and inscription on shaker reading

You Can Control Your Blood Pressure. Take these actions.

This 8.5 x 2.75-inch bookmark has important blood pressure information for quick and easy access.

Front: Back:
front of High Blood Pressure Bookmark back of High Blood Pressure Bookmark

DASH Eating Plan: DASH to Good Health

This is an 8 x 11.5-inch card stock tri-fold brochure with the DASH Eating Plan, recommended daily calorie needs, and daily activity levels.

Note: When ordering, please specify English, Spanish or Arabic.

front of DASH Eating Plan brochure in English

Taking on High Blood Pressure in Michigan

This 6.5 x 3.5-inch tri-fold card helps you keep track of your medications, blood pressure, weight, lipid profile, and other tests.

Front: Back:
front of Blood Pressure Tracking Card back of Blood Pressure Tracking Card

To request materials, fill out the form below.

All fields are required unless labeled as optional.

Instructions for ordering: Please note the desired number of copies (up to 100 per item) in the box located in front of each item being ordered. Materials are provided free of charge to Michigan residents (shipping included) and may arrive in multiple deliveries. For more information, please contact Sonia Villarreal at (Note: It may be possible to accommodate requests for more than 100 of some items, so please ask if you have a need.)