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Michigan Million Hearts

News & Events

Please view the National Hypertension Control Roundtable’s fireside chat on self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) and the innovative ways that roundtable members are working on it. Featured speakers include:

  • Rahul Deo, MD, PhD from Atman Health
  • Jim Li, PhD from Omron Healthcare
  • Wendy W. Bailey, M.Ed from Delaware Department of Health and Social Services

Fireside Chat:

What is the Million Hearts Initiative?

Million Hearts® 2027 is a national initiative co-led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes within 5 years. The initiative focuses partner actions on a small set of priorities selected for their impact on heart disease, stroke, and related conditions.

Michigan Million Hearts® stakeholders aim to reduce and prevent heart attacks and strokes among Michigan adults by promoting the use of team-based care, health information technology and community health workers.

As part of a national Million Hearts® initiative, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is committed to promoting effective community and clinical strategies to increase the use of electronic health records, data, community health workers, and team-based care. Michigan's Million Hearts® initiative stakeholders work on a variety of strategies within their communities, organizations, and roles to promote heart health.

MDHHS has a distinct role in the Million Hearts® Initiative due to its statewide perspective, expertise in evidence-based practice, and access to data and information. MDHHS' role is to foster cross-sector, cross-community learning, and coordination.

Interested in joining the network? Contact us.

Million Hearts Logo

Learn More About Michigan Million Hearts

Michigan Million Hearts: Introduction and Overview Video

Michigan Million Hearts: Introduction and Overview

Michigan Million Hearts: Health Systems Interventions Video

Michigan Million Hearts: Health Systems Interventions

Michigan Million Hearts: Community Clinical Linkages Video

Michigan Million Hearts: Community Clinical Linkages

Public Service Announcements (PSAs): COVID-19 and Your Heart

At least one in five expected emergency department visits for heart attack or stroke did not occur during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC Foundation and Million Hearts remind Americans of the risks of neglecting emergency medical attention for heart attack or stroke during COVID-19.

Emergency Care for Heart Disease During COVID-19

At least one in five expected emergency department visits for heart attack or stroke did not occur during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC Foundation and Million Hearts® remind Americans of the risks of neglecting emergency medical attention for heart attack or stroke during COVID-19.

Amid concerns that fewer people have been managing their cardiovascular disease risk factors during COVID-19, Million Hearts® and the CDC Foundation worked with partners to produce this PSA that reminds Americans to focus on their heart health, especially during COVID-19.

Maintaining Heart Health During COVID-19

Amid concerns that fewer people are managing their cardiovascular disease risk factors during COVID-19, Million Hearts® and the CDC Foundation worked with partners to produce this PSA that reminds Americans to focus on their heart health, especially during COVID-19.

Contact Us

Kristina Dawkins, MPH
Michigan Million Hearts Co-Lead
Clinical and Public Health Consultant
Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Unit
Cardiovascular Health, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Section
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Phone: 517-335-9605
Karen Pratt, MPH
Michigan Million Hearts Co-Lead
Public Health Consultant
Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Unit
Cardiovascular Health, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Section
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Phone: 517-373-3296

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