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Michigan Harm Reduction Summit MDHHS Viral Hepatitis Unit hosted its first-ever 2019 Michigan Harm Reduction Summit. Topics included syringe access 101, best practices for syringe services program implementation, harm reduction strategies for reducing transmission of infectious diseases related to injection drug use, overdose prevention, naloxone distribution, and stigma and cultural competency

Hepatitis Headlines Newsletter quarterly newsletter that discusses literature, displays data, and provides information related to viral hepatitis surveillance and prevention in Michigan 

Viral Hepatitis Stakeholder Forum annual stakeholder meeting to share and discuss diverse set of topics related to viral hepatitis epidemiology, surveillance, prevention, linkage to care, and harm reduction in Michigan

Michigan Viral Hepatitis Resource Guide and Directory included in this guide is basic information about viral hepatitis and links to important resources throughout the state of Michigan. If you would like us to update the resource guide please e-mail us at 

Local Health Department Map map of local health departments in Michigan linked to contact information for each health department 

Michigan Syringe Service Programs learn more about Syringe Service Programs and MDHHS efforts to implement these programs in Michigan


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Viral Hepatitis 

Chronic Liver Disease Foundation nonprofit educational organization dedicated to increasing awareness of the effect of chronic liver disease in the United States

Infection Disease Society of America - Hepatitis C

American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases leading organization of scientists and health care professionals commited to preventing and curing liver disease

Hep provides information and support for people living with, and at risk for, viral hepatitis, with a specific focus on chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C

Help4hep non-profit, peer-to-peer helpline where counselors work with patients to meet challenges of hepatitis C head-on 

American Liver Foundation aimed at promoting education, support and research for the prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease Foundation 

Know Hepatitis B Campaign to promote Hepatitis B testing among Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders. Fact sheets, infographics, posters, and other materials related to the campaign are found on the Know Hepatitis B website

Hepatitis B Foundation Non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure and improving the quality of life for people affected by Hepatitis B. Commitments include funding focused research, promoting disease awareness, supporting immunization and treatment initiatives, and serving as the primary source of information for patients and their families, the medical and scientific community, and the general public

Harm Reduction Coalition national advocacy and capacity-building organization that promotes the health and dignity of individuals and communites impacted by drug use

Hepatitis Brochures

MDHHS Hepatitis Brochures
MDHHS Hepatitis related brochures available to download or order, as well as brochures from the CDC, the Immunization Action Coalition and the Asian Liver Center