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Find a PrEP Provider or Navigator

PrEP providers are medical professionals who prescribe pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), order necessary laboratory testing, and conduct medication counseling. 

PrEP navigation is a service that is designed to assist individuals in starting and staying on PrEP. Navigators work to tailor education and support to the client in order to meet their individual needs. Navigation services include identifying and linking people to a PrEP provider for care, assisting with health insurance and financial assistance programs, and identifying/reducing barriers to care.

To locate a PrEP provider or navigator close to you, view the interactive map or directories below for PrEP providers and navigators in Michigan.

PrEP Provider and Navigator Interactive Map

Michigan PrEP Provider Directory

Wayne County PrEP Provider Directory

Michigan PrEP and PEP Navigator Directory

If there is no provider in your area, please contact the MDHHS Public Health Detailer:
Mark Schaecher, PAC
Public Health Detailer, MDHHS