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MI Asthma Dashboard - Medicaid Beneficiaries with Asthma Who Relied on the Emergency Department for Outpatient Care, 2017-2021

The Michigan Asthma Epidemiology staff is utilizing the potential of Medicaid data to better understand asthma burden and management for the Medicaid population. This dashboard highlights trends, by demographics and county of residence, in the prevalence of Michigan Medicaid beneficiaries with asthma who relied on the Emergency Department (ED) for more than one-third of their asthma-related outpatient doctor visits in a single year. Annual data can be selected for the years 2017-2021, and data can be displayed in charts, tables and/or maps.

For more information about this dashboard, please contact MDHHS Asthma and CHRONICLE Epidemiologist Hailey Zuverink, MPH, at

Download the accessible Excel (.xlsx) file for this dashboard

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