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Business Partners

Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment


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Since 2003, the Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment (NIATx) has worked with treatment providers around the country to make more efficient use of their capacity. Providers have used NIATx's evidence-based practices to reduce wait times by 24% and no-shows by 32%, and increase admissions by 25% and continuations by 14%.

. This intervention focuses on the adoption of specific NIATx process improvement strategies that have shown to improve treatment quality, operations, and finances.NIATx 200In 2007, funded by a National Institute on Drug Abuse grant, NIATx implemented a research project investigating different levels of provider support called

Benefits of Participation

  • , and will be more likely to complete treatment successfully. more quicklyPatients can benefit, as research shows they can be enrolled
  • . effectiveness and efficiencyProviders will introduce new business practices that can improve organizational
  • that can improve operations and finances. toolsStaff will be trained to use
  • for process improvement collaboratives that help create cultures of change. modelsThe field will gain, as participating providers can become role


Michigan providers who are taking part in this study, are using at least one of the following NIATx services: Learning Sessions (twice-yearly meetings for provider and state change teams), Interest Circles (monthly teleconferences for provider change leaders), Coaching (process improvement experts assigned to work with providers), and/or Website (a repository for improvement resources).

The below posters are from the 2010 Annual Substance Use Disorder Conference, held September 13 & 14.