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Substance Use Prevention

The Substance Use, Gambling and Epidemiology Section provides leadership and support in Michigan for quality substance abuse and communicable disease prevention services through: effective planning, development, and delivery of systems; application of current research and technology; ongoing needs assessment and data collection; continuing collaboration and coordination with other entities providing prevention services; and provision of Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance initiatives.

Current Workgroups

State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW)
Behavioral Health Prevention Workgroup
Older Adult Wellbeing Workgroup
Coalition Workgroup

Current Programs and Grants

Prevent Prescription/Opioid Overdose-Related Deaths Grant (PDO)
Partnerships for Success (PFS) Grant 2022-2027
Synar Youth Access to Tobacco

Partner Projects

Coalition Community Change (C3)
Michigan Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking (MCRUD)
Michigan Higher Education Network (MIHEN)
Michigan Youth Coalition Network
Parenting Awareness Michigan (PAM)