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Communicable Diseases

(HIV/AIDS, STDs, TB, hepatitis, etc)
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Communicable Disease and Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependency

Given the causal relationship between HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, other communicable diseases and substance abuse, and the importance of recognizing the role of communicable disease assessment in the development of substance abuse treatment plans for clients, a comprehensive approach is the most effective strategy for preventing infections in the drug using population and their communities.

Funded agencies must provide persons with substance use disorders at-risk for and/or living with HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis C and other communicable diseases the opportunity for access to culturally sensitive and appropriate substance abuse prevention and treatment to address their multiple needs in a respectful and dignified manner. Additionally, it is intended that agency staff will assist clients to gain knowledge, skills and resources needed to achieve personalized goals in relation to their substance use disorder and its impact on their life.

Prior to Fiscal Year (FY) 2005, the primary intent of Early Intervention Prevention (EIP) designated funding was to provide early intervention services to substance abusing persons living with HIV/AIDS (whether or not they were aware of their status) and to prevent HIV infection in the substance using population. Beginning in FY 2005, the state extended this responsibility to other communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, TB, and STDs.

Prevention Policy #02 – Addressing Communicable Disease Issues in the Substance Abuse Service Network  

Online Training: Level 1 Communicable Disease

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
To obtain National information/data on HIV/AIDS Viral Hepatitis.


 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 

To obtain national information/data about HIV.


Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 

To obtain national information/data on hepatitis.