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Gambling Info for Demographic Groups

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Gambling information for and about:
     Senior Citizens, Women, Men, Teens & Children.

seniors iconGambling Information for
   Senior Citizens

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  • Are you neglecting your bills?
  • Have you used your savings, insurance, retirement, or investment money to gamble?
  • Do you have large credit card debt because of gambling?
  • Are you neglecting your health or personal needs?
  • Are you withdrawing from family, friends, or regular activities?
  • Are you spending more time in secret gambling activities?
  • Have you compromised your values?
  • Do you find your mood changes with wins and losses?

  • Has your gambling become a problem?

    Seniors who are going through major life transitions such as retirement, loss of a loved one, moving, or health problems may be particularly vulnerable.

    Senior citizens are a major target for marketers of gambling, and account for a substantial portion of money spent on gambling in Michigan. For some, gambling can become an addiction that leads to serious family and financial problems.

    women iconGambling Information for

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    • Women tend to gamble to escape unpleasant situations in their lives, while men more often gamble for the excitement of the games and the hope of a big win.
    • Low-income mothers sometimes see gambling as a quick way to make some extra money for the family.
    • Women tend to feel more embarrassment about their gambling problems and often receive less sympathy from their families than men do.
    • The progression of a gambling problem is usually shorter for women than for men.
    Women can be especially vulnerable because they often differ from men who gamble in several ways, for instance:

    While gambling has increased among nearly all groups of people in recent years, it is increasing most rapidly among women. For most women, gambling doesn't cause problems. However, for some, it can become an addiction that leads to serious family and financial problems.

    men iconGambling Information for

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    At some point, men who have a gambling problem begin to take bigger risks with more money and feel compelled to bet at every opportunity. For them, gambling can become an addiction that leads to serious family and financial problems.

    Men are often introduced to gambling by a family member. What may be intended as an innocent invitation for teen boys to join in a recreational game with adults may actually become a mentoring experience in gambling. Men's progression into compulsive gambling may be slower than for women, but it often starts for men at a much younger age.

    Nearly 60 percent of Michigan men interviewed have gambled in a casino. Office pools, card games, sports events and horse racing also attract large proportions of men.

    teen iconGambling Information for
       Teens & Children

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    Source: Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey, Inc.

  • A frequent and unexplained need for money.
  • Money and valuables from your home turn-up missing.
  • Weekly or daily card games in your child's room.
  • Truancy from school.
  • More time than usual spent watching sports on television.
  • An unusual or sudden interest in newspapers, magazines, and other publications having to do with sports or horse racing.
  • Large amounts of money in is or her possession.
  • Boasting about winnings.
  • An intense interest in conversations about gambling.
  • Unexplained new items in your child's possession (jewelry, clothes, etc.).
  • Several calls to sports phone lines on telephone bill.
  • Sudden change in personality.
  • Unaccountable time away from home.

  • Parents, the following signs can help you determine if your child has a problem with gambling:
  • Do you carry gambling materials with you, such as dice, cards, or poker chips?
  • Do you gamble with money that is supposed to be used for lunch, the bus, or gas in your car?
  • Have you skipped class or other school activities to gamble?
  • Do you lie to your friends or parents about gambling?
  • Has gambling caused problems in your relationships with close friends or your family?
  • To get money to gamble, do you: borrow, steal, or sell items?
  • Are you gambling because you are lonely, depressed, bored, or trying to forget problems?

  • Teens, has your gambling become a problem?

    The best way to prevent children from gambling is for parents to talk to their children. Make sure they know that gambling can have serious consequences and shouldn't be taken lightly. Also, parents need to set a good example, children who are exposed to gambling may start to see it as the adult thing to do, and be more eager to try it themselves.

    Studies have shown that people who start gambling as children run a much higher risk of becoming compulsive gamblers as adults. For compulsive gamblers, gambling becomes an addiction much like drugs or alcohol, with many of the same symptoms and effects. Left untreated compulsive gambling can lead to family problems, financial trouble, and sometimes even suicide.

    .Click for more information about Internet gambling The availability of unrestricted Internet access poses a special threat to children who become tempted by gambling sites. It's all too easy for children to get started, there's no way for sites to track players' ages, and the isolated nature of net gambling means that it often goes unnoticed until a serious problem develops. If you suspect that your child may have a problem with Internet gambling, monitor his or her Internet activity and watch your credit card bills closely for charges from gambling sites.

    Gambling, in any form, is illegal in Michigan for anyone under the age of 18. Teenagers who gamble are three to four times more likely than adults to become problem gamblers. So, in addition to being illegal, for youth, gambling is risky!

    1. Always gamble with others and not alone. Having friends, family, or colleagues nearby can keep gambling from getting out of hand.
    2. Set limits on how much time and money you spend on gambling, stop when limits are reached.
    3. Never gamble on credit.
    4. Don't use household money for gambling.
    5. Don't drink alcohol while gambling.
    For adults who choose to gamble, follow these guidelines to help keep gambling from becoming a problem.

    Almost everyone who gambles loses money in the long run. If you bet more than you can afford to lose, you've got a problem.

    .[24-Hours] (800) 270-7117Call
    can help. It's strictly confidential, and counselors can give you the help and support you need to break free of a gambling addiction. Michigan Problem Gambling Help-lineIf you think you may have a gambling problem, you are not alone. The

    Links to Problem Gambling related websites. These sites include self-help groups, gambling brochures, and the Michigan Gaming Control Board Disassociated Persons List.

    Downloadable Problem Gambling Brochures. Including Youth Gambling, Senior Gambling, and the 20 Question Problem Gambling flyer.