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Partner Resources

Resources on this page are presented for the Division of Emergency Preparedness & Response (DEPR) professional partners. Please select from the following topics for more information:

Medical Surge Planning Resources

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Biological Emergencies

Diseases and Conditions

Bioterrorism Agents

Prevention and Control

Laboratory Testing

First Responders

  • First responders
    Guidelines and reference tools provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Disease Surveillance

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Chemical Emergency

  • MDHHS Environmental Health Division - Division staff provides professional consultation to individuals and organizations with concerns about the health effects of exposures to toxic substances and partners with universities and other governmental organizations in related research and service activities.

  • American Hospital Association Emergency Readiness - As vital community resources, hospitals must be among the best prepared, alongside police, fire, rescue, and other public safety services. As hospitals' national voice, AHA will support at the national level what our members will be working to achieve in their communities: the readiness of people and resources.

  • CDC Chemical Agent List - CDC's list of over 75 toxic industrial chemicals and WMDs. Includes links to ATSDR & NIOSH fact sheets

Chemical Emergency Response

  • ATSDR's Toxic Substances Web Portal - The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's (ATSDR) Toxic Substances Web Portal makes it easy for researchers and citizens to find information about toxic chemicals and related health effects. Learn how toxic substances can affect health and how to prevent exposure

  • CAMEO - The CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations) program is an integrated set of software modules jointly developed by NOAA and EPA. It's designed to help first responders and emergency planners plan for and quickly respond to chemical accidents.

  • National Response Center - The National Response Center is the sole federal point of contact for reporting oil and chemical spills. The NRC operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year and is also the hotline for chemical/biological WMD incidents.

  • CCPS Chemical Reactivity Worksheet - Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) downloadable tool for assessing reactivity (fire, explosion) of chemical mixtures.

  • EPA Acute Exposure Guidelines - EPA/National Academy of Sciences exposure guidelines for the general public, including sensitive populations, for three categories of exposures for up to 8 hours.\

  • NIOSH Emergency Response Resources - Links to emergency response resources and chemical information.

  • Emergency Response Guidebook - The U.S. Department of Transportation Guidebook contains emergency response protocols for specific chemicals and includes fire & explosion hazards and evacuation perimeters.

  • NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards - The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Handbook contains general industrial hygiene information on hundreds of chemicals/classes.

Laboratory Services


  • Chemical Decontamination Guidance for Emergency Departments and EMS - Provided by e-Medicine - In treating patients with chemical exposures, decontamination is of primary importance provided the patient does not require immediate life-saving interventions. e-Medicine provides information on patient decontamination and personal protective equipment (PPE).

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Radiological Emergencies

Radiological & Nuclear Emergencies

Medical Management

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