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Register for MiLogin Account

Providers must register for a MiLogin account to access the CHAMPS system. All users within a provider's organization who need access to the information within CHAMPS (Provider Enrollment, Claims, Prior Authorization, etc.) must obtain a MiLogin user ID and password. The CHAMPS Provider Enrollment online system allows providers to easily update their information at any time or submit a new provider enrollment application.

For instructions on how to obtain a MiLogin user ID and password as well as subscribe to CHAMPS see MiLogin Instructions.


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Domain Administrator

The MILogin user who submits the Provider Enrollment application becomes the Provider Domain Administrator for that application. The Provider Domain Administrator has the responsibility of assigning rights for all users within the organization to access the provider's file. Multiple Provider Domain Administrators may be established for a single organization, but a separate application must be completed and approved for each administrator.

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