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Getting Started

AFC or HFA providers who wish to receive the Medicaid personal care supplement payment must first be licensed with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), enrolled in the Statewide Integrated Governmental Management Applications system (SIGMA), and enrolled in Bridges. The steps for each of these are below.  

  1. Licensing: visit the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs(LARA) website:
  2. Register your vendor account with the State of Michigan (SOM) by visiting the SIGMA Vendor Self-Service website:
    • When you register, you must utilize the same tax ID number that is assigned to your license (For example, if your license is assigned to your SSN, register using your SSN.  If your license is assigned under a Federal Tax ID number, use this number when you register).
    • Once registered in SIGMA you will receive an email providing you with your nine-digit Sigma Vendor ID.  NOTE: Keep this ID as you will need to provide this to the Adult Services Worker or CMH case manager.
  3. Bridges: To enroll with Bridges, contact the Adult Services unit at the county MDHHS office or your resident’s CMH case manager for assistance in the enrollment process.  Staff will submit a DHS-2351X, Bridges Provider Enrollment/Change Request form on your behalf.
    • Provide staff with your Sigma Vendor ID so that your Sigma Financial account is linked to the Bridges enrollment or payments will not be processed.
    • Once enrolled in Bridges, you will receive a confirmation letter via USPS mail providing you with your seven-digit Bridges Provider ID number.
  4. MiLogin: After you receive your Bridges Provider ID number, contact Provider Support at 1-800-979-4662 to request a five-digit PIN.  You will need both your five-digit PIN and your Bridges Provider ID number when registering for MiLogin.
    • To access the Michigan Adult Integrated Management System (MiAIMS) application you must have a MiLogin account.  For instructions on how to obtain a MiLogin user ID and password as well as request access to MiAIMS see MiLogin Instructions.


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