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Recorded Webinars

Below are the recordings of the webinar presentations. The virtual pieces of training were presented by our Consultants who specialize in the topic. Additional provider tips and resources can be found on the Medicaid Provider Alerts webpage. Direct any questions, suggestions, or feedback to


October 2, 2024: Targeted Case Management- Recuperative Care- Presentation, Recording

July 12, 2024: Section 1115 Reentry Services Demonstration Public Hearing- Presentation, Recording, webpage 1115 Reentry Services Demonstration (

March 8, 2024: Targeted Case Management (TCM) - Presentation, Recording

February 14, 2024: Community Health Workers (CHW): CHAMPS Provider Enrollment Introduction- Presentation, Recording

February 7, 2024: Community Health Workers (CHW): MI Medicaid Registry Process- Presentation, Recording


December 12, 2023: 2023 Year in Review- PDF, Recording

December 11, 2023: Home Health Updates- PDFRecording

November 30, 2023: MI Health Link Listening Session- PDF, Recording

November 16, 2023: Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing- PDF, Recording

August 16, 2023: Home Help Individual- PDF, Recording

Doula 101-PDF, FAQ

     August 9, 2023: Recording

     August 2, 2023: Recording

July 26, 2023: Aspiring Michigan Medicaid Dental Providers- PDF, Recording

May 25, 2023: Level of Care Determination (LOCD) 201- PDFRecording

May 24, 2023: Dental 101- PDF, Recording

May 11, 2023: Level of Care Determination (LOCD) 201- PDFRecording

May 9, 2023: Billing Agent Basics- PDF, Recording

Community Health Worker (CHW)

The Policy Primer Series consists of four, short, recorded policy initiative updates that will launch weekly beginning on April 17th. This series has been created to support the sharing of Medicaid Community Health Worker, or CHW policy initiative progress and to encourage active collaboration from you, the stakeholders. An additional video will be released each week until May 8th, 2023. The anticipated topics will include Managed Care Organization versus Community Provider Distinction, Provider Qualifications, and Covered Services and Reimbursement.

May 8, 2023: PDF, Community Health Worker (CHW) Policy Initiative: Policy Primer Series Video 4 

May 1, 2023: PDF, Community Health Worker (CHW) Policy Initiative: Policy Primer Series Video 3

April 24, 2023: PDF, Community Health Worker (CHW) Policy Initiative: Policy Primer Series Video 2

April 17, 2023: PDFCommunity Health Worker (CHW) Policy Initiative: Policy Primer Series Video 1

Other Provider-Specific Webinar 

February 15, 2023 Level of Care Determination (LOCD) 101- PDF, Recording

January 13, 2023: Community Health Worker- PDF, Recording, CHW Fact Sheet, FAQ


Public Health Emergency (PHE) Ending Stakeholder Events

BPHASA conducted a series of informational meetings for our providers and community partners to discuss preparing for the eventual end of the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). For the most up-to-date information, please reference the MDHHS PHE unwind website  

July 19, 2022, 10:00 am to 11:00 am EST-PHE Unwind: Proposed Telemedicine Policy Discussion Session 1- Post-PHE Highlights Telemedicine

July 11, 2022, 10:00 am to 11:00 am EST-PHE Unwind: Proposed Telemedicine Policy Discussion Session 1- Post-PHE Highlights Telemedicine

June 7, 2022, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm EST- Presentation SlidesRecording

May 23, 2022, 9:30 am to 11:00 am EST- Presentation Slides *updated, Recording

May 17, 2022, 10:00 am to 11:30 am EST- Presentation SlidesRecording


Other Provider-Specific Webinar 

November 17, 2022: CHAMPS 102: Dental- Webinar

November 16, 2022: CHAMPS 102: Institutional- Webinar

November 15, 2022: CHAMPS 102: Professional- Webinar

October 11, 2022: Hearing and Audiology Webinar-PDF, Webinar, FAQ

October 7, 2022: Healthy Michigan Plan Waiver Public Hearing- A recording of the hearing can be found at the following link 2023 HMP Demonstration Waiver Extension Request Information.

August 16, 2022: Predictive Modeling Webinar- PDF, Webinar

July 14, 2022: CHAMPS 102: Dental- PDF, Webinar

Member Eligibility- Video

Medicaid Code and Rate Reference Tool- Video

Prior Authorization Submission - Video

Prior Authorization Inquiry- Video

Dental DDE Claim Submission - Video

Dental Claim Inquiry- Video

Claim Adjust and Void -Video

July 13, 2022: CHAMPS 102: Institutional- PDF, Webinar

Member Eligibility- Video

Medicaid Code and Rate Reference Tool- Video

Prior Authorization Submission - Video

Prior Authorization Inquiry- Video

Institutional DDE Claim Submission- Video

Institutional Claim Inquiry- Video

Claim Adjust and Void -Video

July 12, 2022: CHAMPS 102: Professional - PDF, Webinar

Member Eligibility- Video

Medicaid Code and Rate Reference Tool- Video

Prior Authorization Submission - Video

Prior Authorization Inquiry- Video

Professional DDE Claim Submission - Video

Professional Claim Inquiry- Video

Claim Adjust and Void -Video

June 14, 2022: Document Management Portal Refresher- PDF, Webinar

May 24, 2022: Other Insurance- PDF, Webinar

April 12, 2022: Long-Term Services and Supports - PDFWebinar

March 15, 2022: Clinic 102 - PDFWebinar


December 14, 2021: Maternity & OBGYN Billing -PDFWebinarFAQ

November 16, 2021: Non-Physician Behavioral Health-PDFWebinar

September 21, 2021: Dental - PDF, Webinar

August 17, 2021: Inpatient Hospital Overview - PDF, Webinar, Q&A

July 20, 2021:  Ambulance Billing - PDF, Webinar, FAQ

June 15, 2021:  Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetist, and Orthotist Supply (DMEPOS) - PDF, Webinar, FAQ

May 18, 2021:  Outpatient Hospital Overview - PDF, Webinar

April 20, 2021:  Clinic Billing:101 - PDFWebinar, FAQ

February 16, 2021:  Hospice 101 -PDF, Webinar, Q & A


November 5, 2020: Hearing Services and Devices New Provider and Policy Updates- PDFWebinar

October 7, 2020: CHAMPS 101: PA (Prior Authorization) Tab - PDF, Webinar

October 2, 2020: Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA): The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) OBRA/PASRR Section together with the OBRA/PASRR Design Team has developed an electronic version of the 3877 and 3878 forms that are part of the Level I referral process.  - PDF, Webinar

September 30, 2020: CHAMPS 101: Member Tab - PDFWebinar

September 23, 2020: CHAMPS 101: Claims Tab - PDFWebinar

September 16, 2020: CHAMPS 101: Provider Tab -  PDFWebinar

September 9, 2020: CHAMPS 101: My Inbox Tab - PDF, Webinar

September 2, 2020: CHAMPS 101: Introduction to MILogin and CHAMPS - PDF, Webinar

July 27, 2020: COVID-19 Response: Medicaid Targeted Distribution Funding Opportunity Webinar

May 28, 2020: Skilled Nursing Facility COVID-19 EMResource Reporting Requirements Webinar- FAQ

LOCD Passive Redetermination:  Webinar, PDF, Q & A Webinar dates: March 17, 19, 24, and 26 of 2020. 


Healthy Michigan Plan Webinars

December 17, 2019:  Healthy Michigan Plan December Webinar Series

This presentation was recorded on December 17, 2019. For the most up-to-date information, reference the most current recorded webinar. 

October 24, 2019: Healthy Michigan Plan Updates: Reporting for Work Requirements: Community Partners

This presentation was recorded on October 24, 2019. For the most up-to-date information, reference the most current recorded webinar. 

September 26, 2019: Healthy Michigan Plan Updates: Community Partners

This presentation was recorded on September 26, 2019. For the most up-to-date information, reference the most current recorded webinar. 

September 24, 2019: Healthy Michigan Plan Updates: New Work Requirements: Reporting of Work, Other Activities, and Exemptions.

This presentation was recorded on September 24, 2019. For the most up-to-date information, reference the most current recorded webinar. 

September 16, 2019: Healthy Michigan Plan Updates: New Work Requirements: Reporting of Work, Other Activities, and Exemptions.

This presentation was recorded on September 16, 2019. For the most up-to-date information, reference the most current recorded webinar. 


September 17, 2019: Prescriber Enrollment Requirements 


FQHC & RHC Facility Settlement

THC Facility Settlement

Local Public Health Department (LPHD)

LEA and ISD: Facility Settlement 

Modernizing Continuum of Care (MCC)

Medication Therapy Management (MTM)

Timely Filing


CHAMPS Navigation

Medicaid Code and Rate Reference Tool

New Billing Agent Enrollment Application Process

Dental Training


Institutional Level of Care and Patient Pay

Billing Beneficiary and Spend-down

Professional Updates

Third-Party Liability (TPL)

Ramp Manager and Connection Testing

Medicare Buy-In 

Nursing Facility

Hearing Aid Dealer/Center 101

Document Management Portal (DMP)

How to Adjust/Void Institutional Claim

How to Adjust/Void Professional Claim