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MHL Resources Toolkit

MI Health Link (MHL) offers a broad range of medical and behavioral health services, pharmacy, home and community-based services and nursing home care, all in a single program designed to meet individual needs.  MHL is a completely integrated health care program for qualifying Michigan residents enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid.  The goal of the MI Health Link Tool Kit is to provide Integrated Care Organizations (ICOs), Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans (PIHPs), providers, advocates, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders with an up-to-date, reliable, and easy to use source of information for the MI Health Link Program.  The MI Health Link Tool Kit is a collection of program resources organized by alphabetical tabs.  Headings and bullet points are used to organize key ideas and make text more scannable.  

The Tool Kit may be used in the following ways:

  • As an access point for printing program forms, pamphlets, and brochures.
  • As a resource to strengthen knowledge regarding the MI Health Link and quality program.
  • As a reference for help with a particular topic.