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Information Specific to Different Providers

Choose a provider category below for procedure codes, fee screens, and other billing and reimbursement information for services covered by the following programs: Medicaid, Healthy Michigan Plan, Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS),  MIChild, Maternity Outpatient Medical Services (MOMS), and other health care programs administered by MDHHS.

The information on this page serves as a reference only. It does not guarantee that services are covered.  Providers are instructed to refer to the Michigan Medicaid Provider Manual, MMP bulletins and other relevant policy for specific coverage and reimbursement policies. This information can be found on the Medicaid Policy, Letters & Forms page.  If there are discrepancies between the information on this page and the Provider Manual, such as rate or coverage determinations, they will be resolved in favor of the Provider Manual language. 

Databases are updated on an annual basis or more frequently if changes are applicable (e.g. quarterly updates).  A three-year history is maintained on this site.  Older fee schedules are available and may be obtained by submitting a request through our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) office.  

bullet Ambulance bulletGenetic Counselors
bullet Ambulatory Surgical Centers bulletHearing Services / Hearing Aid

bulletPhysicians / Practitioners / Medical Clinics
bulletBehavioral Health / Substance Abuse bulletHome Health
bulletPortable X-ray Suppliers
bulletBrain Injury Services
bulletPrivate Duty Nurse
bulletChild / Adolescent Health Centers & Programs
bulletIndependent Diagnostic Testing

bulletRural Health Centers
bulletChildren's Special Health Care

bulletSchool Services Program
bulletLocal Health Department
bulletSpecial Programs
bulletClinic Institutional Billing
bulletInpatient Hospitals
bulletTargeted Case Management - Recuperative Care
bulletCommunity Health Worker (CHW)
bulletOutpatient Hospitals
bulletCOVID-19 Response
bulletMaternal Infant Health Program
bulletMedicaid Health Plan Carve-out
bulletTribal Health Centers
bulletMedical Suppliers / Orthotists /
Prosthetists / DME Dealers

bulletUrgent Care Centers
bulletFamily Planning
bulletNon-Emergency Medical
Transportation (NEMT)

bulletFederally Qualified Health Centers
bulletNursing Facilities