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Social Media

Social media is a great resource for safe infant sleep awareness building and education.


A hashtag is a label used on social media sites that makes it easier to find posts, especially those with specific content. Using a hashtag helps you reach your target audience and makes it easier for others to find your information. The more you use a specific hashtag, the greater your chances are to grow an audience. To promote infant safe sleep, it is recommended that you always use #safesleep. In addition to #safesleep, some others you can use are: 
#SIDSAwarenessMonth (during the month of October)


Tagging other organizations can also help you promote safe sleep. When you tag an organization, your post should show up on that organization’s page. Your post will then be visible to the followers of the page you tagged, expanding your reach. Some organizations you can tag in your posts include: 
  • Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
  • Local health departments in your area or region
  • Local community agencies that serve families and children in your area or region
  • Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
  • U.S. Product Safety Commission
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Charlie’s Kids Foundation


Messages You Can Use

All parents have questions about #safesleep. is a great resource to learn more. 

Moms and dads, you are doing a great job! Follow the #safesleep steps to keep baby sleeping safely.,5885,7-339-71548_57836_69566-165976--,00.html

Your babies are safest when you support #safesleep. You got this dad/mom!

Spring into spring and help reduce the number of sleep-related infant deaths by following #safesleep for every sleep. Learn more about steps to safe sleep at
How do you keep your family safe? We sing “Happy Birthday” while we wash our hands. We cut up their food. We make them wear a bike helmet. We can also practice #safe sleep. 
What they say is true-it does take a village. Teach everyone who helps you or cares for your baby, including babysitters and family members, about #SafeSleep.
Did you know it is normal for babies to wake up a lot? That in fact, frequent waking is a good thing! It helps build mom’s milk supply if baby is breastfed and helps reduce the risk of sleep-related infant death. Reach out to family and friends for help so you can practice #safesleep and get some rest. 
Getting them to sleep, that’s hard! Keeping them safe, that’s easy. Follow the ABCs – Alone, on their Back in a Crib or Pack and Play.  Learn more about #safesleep and other ways you can keep your baby safe by visiting
What do you do when you see or hear of a friend, co-worker or relative practicing unsafe sleep? #safesleep conversations are not easy. Charlie’s Kids Foundation put together 5 key strategies to make these conversations more comfortable and effective.
What’s happening tonight? Are you going on vacation or staying with family or friends? Have a safe sleep environment there for baby. Having an alcoholic drink? Have another adult help with baby if you have drunk alcohol or taken drugs that make you less aware than normal. Plan for #safesleep every night.
Help your baby sleep safely so you can rest easily. Make sure you follow the #SafeSleep at night and nap times.,5885,7-339-71548_57836_69566-165976--,00.html
Sleep Environment
DYK that baby’s need a firm sleeping surface to ensure #safesleep? Find out why.,5885,7-339-71548_57836_69566-165976--,00.html
Do NOT put sleeping babies on couches or inflatable mattresses, or in a bed with parents or siblings. Infants should sleep alone in a crib, bassinet, or play yard. #safesleep
Despite their dangerous risk for sleep related death, some products marketed for sleep or recommended by health care providers may be putting your baby at risk. Only cribs, bassinets or play yards are recommended for #SafeSleep. Learn more at,5885,7-339-71548_57836_69566-471123--,00.html.
Remember to move baby to a crib or pack and play even if they fall asleep in a car seat, swing or other sitting device. For more information on unsafe sleep locations visit:,5885,7-339-71548_57836_69566-471134--,00.html
Keep your baby’s sleeping area in check!! Use this #safesleep checklist to make sure that your baby is safe.
Decorate the room, not the crib. To ensure #safesleep, keep blankets, pillows, bumper pads, and soft toys out of baby’s sleeping area.
Learn how to create a #safesleep environment for baby in your home by exploring the Safe to Sleep® Campaign interactive room.
Couches and armchairs can be very dangerous places for babies, especially if adults fall asleep with infants while on them. Learn how you can keep baby safe when you are tired and there is a chance you might fall asleep while feeding or comforting baby.
Sleeping with a baby on the couch or armchair is extremely dangerous. Babies are safest when they are placed on their backs in their own crib, without pillows, blankets, and toys.
Babies won’t choke on their backs! To learn why back sleeping is recommended for #safesleep follow this link:,5885,7-339-71548_57836_69566-451277--,00.html
You know it is #safesleep for your baby to sleep on the back, but you worry baby will choke. Learn why babies won't choke at,5885,7-339-71548_57836_69566-451277--,00.html.
Breastfeeding is great for mom and baby! Just remember to share the room, not the bed. Learn more regarding #safesleep and breastfeeding
DYK that any amount of breastfeeding you do reduces your baby’s risk of sleep-related infant death? Breastfeeding provides the best nutrition for baby, builds the immune system, promotes bonding, and keeps you and your baby healthier. 
#Safesleep for you and baby is possible, even when they are fussy. Keep calm and review these tips to bring some peace to you and your baby.,5885,7-339-71548_57836-336176--,00.html
Your baby isn’t sleeping. You’re not sleeping. Your baby’s crying and you’re reaching your breaking point. The good news – it’s only temporary and there’s help for you and your baby to get the rest and help that you so desperately need. Try some of the following ideas:
If your baby is fussy at night or during naps, don’t bring baby into bed with you. Instead, try making shushing sounds or rock your baby back and forth in your arms. Learn more about soothing a crying baby at,5885,7-339-71548_57836_69566---,00.html.
July (or any summer month) can be HOT! Remember to keep your baby at a comfortable temperature when practicing #safesleep and beyond.
Summer is coming! Practice #safesleep by keeping your baby at a comfortable temperature. Learn more at
Baby, it’s cold outside! It is important to keep your baby bundled up when outdoors, but make sure to remove extra layers when returning indoors. Overheating can increase a baby’s risk of sleep-related infant death. Learn more about #safesleep by visiting
DYK vaccinated babies are healthier babies? Evidence suggests that vaccination is associated with reducing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) by 50 percent. Learn more at
Follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccine schedule for safe, proven protection against 14 serious diseases by age 2 and to protect against sleep-related infant death. Learn more at
Smoking during pregnancy and exposure to secondhand smoke increases a baby’s risk of sleep-related infant death. Quitting smoking can be hard, but it is one of the best ways you can protect yourself and your baby’s health. Call the free Michigan Tobacco Quitline at 800-784-8669 or go to for resources and support to help you to quit today.
Are you looking for #safesleep resources in your county? Follow this link for resources specific to your area:,5885,7-339-71548_57836_96638---,00.html
With the new year right around the corner, help reduce the number of sleep-related infant deaths by making it a resolution to follow #safesleep. Learn more about steps to safe sleep at
During the holidays, it is important to refresh all caregivers on the rules of #safesleep. Babies should sleep alone, on their backs, in their cribs.
Traveling this holiday season? Make sure your baby has a #safesleep space while visiting relatives or staying in a hotel.
The best way to spend Valentine’s Day/Mother’s Day/Father’s Day is cuddling with your baby, but if you are sleepy be sure to put your baby in a #safesleep environment.
Thanks Dad, for making sure I always follow #safesleep by placing me on my back for naps and at night in a separate sleep area that’s firm, flat, and free of soft and loose items.
Hey, dads! Did you know that baby should sleep on his or her back for the first year? Learn more about creating a #safesleep environment and how to keep baby safe during sleep.
Bring a pack 'n play or portable crib for baby when you're going out of town. #SafeSleep doesn't take a vacation.
During these uncertain and stressful times, keep you and your baby safe. Your mental health is just as important as #Safesleep for your baby. Visit and,9753,7-406-98178_99557---,00.html for resources on safe sleep and mental health. 
During the COVID-19 pandemic, make sure baby always has a #safesleep place such as a crib, bassinet or pack n’ play. If you have to leave your home, bring your baby’s pack n’ play and other essentials your baby will need with you.
Check out this infographic with CDC guidance on what is safe for face coverings and infants.