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CAHC Clinic Toolkits


CAHC Clinic Toolkits

CAHC Clinical Provider Toolkit

The Child and Adolescent Health Centers Clinical Provider Toolkit is a guide for the new and experienced clinician to the CAHC Program. The Toolkit contains a program overview, that includes a review of the Minimum Program requirements, site review process, and Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS), special circumstances related to school-based vs. school-linked programs, concrete examples of the CQI process as well as immediate clinical resources for use in your health center that are available by topic area. Lastly, there is a list of suggested websites, textbooks and smart phone applications suggested by your colleagues in the CAHC Program.

View the Toolkit

Professional References and Applications

Professional Standards and Development

Toolkit Resources for Clinicians by Topic Area

Sample Concussion Action Plan

Sample Concussion Policy

CAHC Mental Health Toolkit

The CAHC Mental Health Toolkit provides an overview of the mental health component of this program.

Mental Health Warning Signs: Tips for Parents?

Trauma Informed Care Toolkit

The MDCH Trauma Informed Care Toolkit is designed to provide you with information and resources about the impact of trauma in the lives of adolescents. You will find accurate information, practical tools and relevant resources to identify and help youth who are affected by trauma and toxic stress.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Information for Professionals

Section 3: Information for Youth

Section 4: Information for Parents and Caregivers

Section 5: Resources

Youth Engagement Toolkit

The MDCH Youth Engagement Toolkit is a compilation of tips for implementing a successful youth advisory council, sustaining youth involvement and sample activities you can implement with your adolescents.