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Child Caring Institutions


What is a Child Caring Institution?

Child Caring Institution (CCI) Dashboard

This recorded webinar provides an overview of the CCI Dashboard and how to retrieve information from the webpage.

CCI Dashboard Job Aid

This job aid should be used as a guide to understand where the data in the CCI Dashboard is being pulled from in MiSACWIS.

CCI Dashboard

Licensing & Requirements

Explanation of Licensing Process

Seclusion and Restraint Reporting

Fire Safety Inspections-CCI


No articles at this time.

License Lookups 

Child Caring Institutions Map 

Child Caring Institutions Closed Due to Disciplinary Action

Contact Us

Child Welfare Licensing - Field Services Contact Information


Child Caring Institutions Licensing Rules

CPS History Review


Child Welfare Strategy Group's Review and Recommendations for CSA Oversight in Child Caring Institutions

Child Welfare Strategy Group's Review and Recommendations for CSA Oversight in Child Caring Institutions no appendices

Act 116 of the Public Acts of 1973 

Good Moral Character - CWL-Pub-673

Children's Product Safety Act, 2000 PA 219


Corrective Action Plan, CWL-4620

Variance Request, CWL-4006

RFCSTA Contract CCI Audit Workbook

No Contract CCI Audit Workbook

RFCAN Contract CCI Audit Workbook

RFCJJ Contract CCI Audit Workbook

Chief Administrator Annual Assessment and Corrective Action Plan (Public and Contract Child Caring Institutions) - CWL-4607-CCI

Child Welfare Licensing Form Request

Report of Actual or Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect - DHS-3200

Completed this form within 72 hours of calling in a suspicion of abuse or neglect

CCI Staff Spreadsheet