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Office of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care


The Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Section of OROSC provides leadership and support for quality substance abuse and communicable disease prevention services for the citizens of Michigan through: effective planning, development, and delivery of systems; application of current research and technology; ongoing needs assessment and data collection; continuing collaboration and coordination with other entities providing prevention services; and provision of Quality Improvement (QI) and Quality Assurance (QA) initiatives.

  • Strategic Prevention Framework, Partnership for Success (SPF/PFS) 2015-2020 Utilizes environmental change, community and individual level interventions to build healthier communities and increase behavioral health capacity to address underage drinking and prescription drug misuse and abuse among youth and young adults through consistent screening in primary care settings.
  • "Do Your Part" to Prevent Underage Drinking The "" webpage features five new public service announcements, highlighting individuals who share how they are doing their part to prevent underage drinking, and inviting other adults to "Do Your Part."
  • State Prevention Enhancement (SPE) Project This project targets 1) improving mental and physical health, 2) reducing underage and adult problem drinking, 3) preventing prescription drug abuse, and 4) preventing suicide, through the development of an enhanced prevention infrastructure.
  • State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) Learn about workgroup activities to expand, enhance, and integrate the substance use disorder needs assessment, and develop the capacity to address mental, emotional, and behavioral conditions.
  • Binge Drinking - Campus Alcohol Use College/University policies & programs, online blood alcohol content estimator, how to cut down on your drinking, facts and resources.
  • Communicable Diseases Learn the relationship between communicable diseases (HIV/AIDS, STDs, TB, hepatitis and others) and substance use, abuse, and dependency; and about prevention efforts.

Prevention Resources:
Click a link below for prevention related information.

Prevention Agencies and Programs:
Click a link below to access a directory of service providers.
For more Substance Abuse Prevention information, see also:
Related Legislation Links Reports, Statistics