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Breast & Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP)

Program Overview

The Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP) provides low-income women access to breast and cervical cancer screening services (mammograms and Pap tests) and follow-up care if needed.

The program does not pay for cancer treatment, but women may be eligible for a special Medicaid program through BC3NP that will cover cancer treatment.

Below are links to various aspects of our program. If you are not able to find what you are looking for, please email us at Call 844-446-8727 (TTY 711) if you have questions or need help enrolling. Interpreters available.

green button with words New Client Interest Form

  • Are you worried that you can't afford your mammogram or Pap test? Or even worse — are you worried you can't afford the follow-up care? If you are 21-64 years old (for cervical cancer screening) or 40-64 years old (for breast cancer screening), a resident of Michigan, and within the income guidelines below, call your local Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program to see how we can help you.

    Check eligibility and find a local coordinating agency


  • What Services Are Available Through the Program?

    Screening Services

    Through these local public health programs, women aged 21-64 can receive screening services, such as:

    • Pap smears (ages 21-64)
    • Screening mammograms (ages 40-64)
    • MRIs - based on client personal and family risk

    Diagnostic Services

    If a breast and/or cervical abnormality is identified from the screening test/exam, the woman will be referred to community providers for follow-up. Over 75 diagnostic services are provided free of cost through the BC3NP. Some of these include:

    • Diagnostic mammograms
    • Ultrasounds
    • MRIs
    • Breast biopsy
    • Colposcopy services
    • Colposcopy-directed biopsy services
    • Medical consultations

    Family Planning women enrolled in the BC3NP are eligible to receive cervical screening and diagnostic services.

    Cancer Treatment

    In the event of a diagnosis of breast or cervical cancer through the BC3NP, a woman may be eligible for Medicaid coverage. If eligible, Medicaid will pay for all of her medical expenses for as long as she is being treated for the cancer. Once treatment is no longer needed, the woman is then potentially eligible (once again, based upon age and income) for continued annual screening services through the BC3NP.

    A woman remains eligible for Medicaid coverage until:

    • Her health professional deems the woman is free from cancer and will not require continued cancer therapy or
    • She no longer meets the eligibility criteria for this program (e.g., she has obtained creditable insurance coverage, has reached the age of 65 and has Medicare Part B, or has an income that exceeds 250 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL)).

    Note: Women who are undocumented, although eligible for BC3NP services, cannot receive Medicaid coverage. Federal law limits Medicaid coverage to citizens and documented women.

  • The BC3NP is a federal program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is administered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

    Those who are eligible for the BC3NP include women; transgender or gender nonconforming (taken from CDC guidance), who are uninsured or underinsured, at or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines, ages 40 to 64 years for breast cancer services and ages 21 to 64 years for cervical cancer services.  

    Eligible clients who will benefit from this program include those who are at increased risk of breast and/or cervical cancer and who need preventive health screenings as part of their wellness routine.

    Who Is Eligible?

    The following information MUST be determined PRIOR to enrolling women in BC3NP.

    1. Income:
    2. Age:
      • 21-64 and requiring cervical screening/diagnostic/treatment services, and/or
      • 40-64 and requiring breast screening/diagnostic/treatment services
                   OR 21-64 and referred to BC3NP with an abnormal screening Pap test
                   OR clinical breast exam which requires breast/cervical diagnostic services

    3. Residency and Citizenship Status:
      • Current Michigan resident OR         
      • Migrant worker OR
      • Woman living near the border of a neighboring state (Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota) who plans to receive screening and diagnostic services in Michigan

    Note: Women who are enrolled in a managed care program, a health maintenance organization, or Medicare Part B are not eligible for the BC3NP.

    Federal Poverty Guidelines - 2024*

    Size of
    Family Unit


    139% - 250%
    of Poverty Guidelines

    0% - 138%
    of Poverty Guidelines
    Medicaid Eligible

    1 $15,060.00 $37,650.00 $20,782.80
    2 $20,440.00 $51,100.00 $28,207.20
    3 $25,820.00 $64,550.00 $35,631.60
    4 $31,200.00 $78,000.00 $43,056.00
    5 $36,580.00 $91,450.00 $50,480.40
    6 $41,960.00 $104,900.00 $57,904.80
    7 $47,340.00 $118,350.00 $65,329.20
    8 $52,720.00 $131,800.00 $72,753.60
    Each Additional Member
    (Beyond 8)
    $5,380.00 $13,450.00 $7,424.40
    * The federal poverty guidelines are updated annually.
  • Cancer and heart disease are the leading causes of death for Michigan women. To address this issue, the MDHHS Cancer Prevention and Control Section offers screening programs especially for women:

    The Cancer Section began the Women’s Health Partnership to partner with organizations to help promote these screening programs. Partner organizations:

    • enroll women for lifesaving health screenings;
    • engage women in services for themselves and their families; and
    • help women take advantage of free health services in the communities they serve.

    Find out more about the Women's Health Partnership and how you can help.

  • Find out more about becoming a BC3NP healthcare partner and referring your patients to the program on our BC3NP – Information for Healthcare Providers page.

  • Mailing Address:
    Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
    Cancer Prevention and Control Section
    P.O. Box 30815
    Lansing, MI 48909

    Enrollment: 844-446-8727 (TTY 711)

    Interpreters Available.

    Claim Status: (866) 930-6324

    Claim Questions:

    Secure Fax: 517-763-0290


  • Cancer Treatment Financial Resources for Clients Ineligible for BC3NP Medicaid Treatment Act

    1. Options for uninsured U.S. citizens diagnosed with cancer
      • If not eligible for BC3NP Medicaid Treatment Act (MTA), apply for Medicaid at your local Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
      • If initially rejected for Medicaid for a reason other than "over income," then carefully review the application and reapply.
      • Contact local hospitals and ask to speak with a social worker or financial counselor to find out if they have any charity care/financial hardship programs.
      • Contact a community health clinic for free or sliding-fee services.
      • A final option would be to make payment arrangements with a physician willing to see you on that basis. For medical bills already incurred, the client will need to find out if that facility/provider has a financial assistance program.

    2. Options for uninsured non-U.S. citizens diagnosed with cancer (Note: The availability of financial support for non-U.S. residents is extremely limited, depending on their status.)
      • Resident aliens who possess a green card may apply for Medicaid 5 years after they have been in the U.S.  If they apply prior to the 5 year period, they will be granted Emergency Services Only (ESO) coverage, which covers emergency treatment in an Emergency Room.  No routine health costs are covered.
      • Some clients may find the care they need through clinical trials. Additional information to make an informed decision about the clinical trial may be limited depending on the person's status.  The patient, the family or the physician can inquire about currently recruiting trials and their locations at the following web sites:  (National Institutes of Health),  (National Cancer Institute), or (National Institutes of Health Clinical Trials).
      • Other options:
        • Contact a community health clinic for free or sliding fee services.
        • Inquire about making payments with a physician willing to see the client on that basis. For medical bills already incurred, the client will need to find out if that facility/provider has a financial assistance program.

    Immigration Terms to Know

    A general summary of U.S. immigration terminology follows, as defined by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). (Please Note: This is not an all-inclusive list or summary. Questions regarding a client's status should be directed to Venetta Tucker, Quality Analyst for Medicaid and the BC3NP MTA, at


    An individual who is not a U.S. citizen or U.S. national.

    Legalized Aliens:

    Certain undocumented women who were eligible to apply for temporary resident status under the legalization provision of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. To be eligible, women must have continuously resided in the United States in an unlawful status since January 1, 1982, not be excludable, and have entered the United States either 1) illegally before January 1, 1982, or 2) as temporary visitors before January 1, 1982, with their authorized stay expiring before that date or with the Government's knowledge of their unlawful status before that date. Legalization consists of two stages — temporary and then permanent residency. In order to adjust to permanent status aliens must have had continuous residence in the United States, be admissible as an immigrant, and demonstrate at least a minimal understanding and knowledge of the English language and U.S. history and government.

    Lawful Permanent Resident Alien (LPRA):

    An alien who has been lawfully afforded the privilege of residing permanently in the U.S.

    Permanent Resident Alien:

    A person that enters the country with an immigrant visa or adjusts his status after entering as a nonimmigrant, refugee, or asylee. Persons with this status are entitled to live and work in the U.S. and collect entitlement benefits, if qualified.

    There are two tests for whether someone is classified as a resident alien:

    • The green card test.
      This applies to someone who has U.S. permanent or conditional residence, or a green card. The person is a citizen of another country who is authorized to live and work in the U.S. on a permanent basis (or, in the case of a conditional resident, for two years that may then be continued into a permanent stay). By the very nature of the requirements placed upon permanent residents, they spend most of their time living in the United States. To keep a green card, the person must not make their primary home in another country, nor remain outside the U.S. for more than one year. (People who plan to remain outside the United States for more than one year can, however, apply for a re-entry permit before leaving, in order to preserve their green card.)

    • The substantial presence test.
      Even without having a green card, a person who spends 31 days in the United States during the current year and 183 days during a three-year period that includes the current year and the two years immediately before that, is considered a resident alien. This affects many people who are in the U.S. on temporary, otherwise known as nonimmigrant, visas. There are various exemptions, such as for time the person spent in transit (less than 24 hours in the U.S.), time during which the person couldn't leave because he or she required medical treatment, as well as for teachers and students (on an F, J, M, or Q visa) who haven't stayed in the U.S. beyond a certain period of time.

    Non-Resident Alien:

    A person spending some time in the U.S., but does not meet (or is exempt from) either the green card or the substantial presence tests. Students and teachers are often classified as non-resident aliens in the early years of their U.S. stay.

    Alien Registration Receipt Card (also known as a "Green Card"):

    An INS document that certifies lawful permanent resident status, commonly called the "green card," older versions may be green or blue/white. Newest versions are now rose/off-pink. It carries the INS form number I-151 or I-551.

    Undocumented Alien (same as "Illegal Alien"):

    An alien who entered the United States illegally without the proper authorization and documents, or who entered the United States legally and has since violated the terms of his or her visa or overstayed the time limit. An undocumented alien is deportable if apprehended.


    An alien who has been lawfully afforded the privilege of residing permanently in the U.S. with the right to eventually obtain citizenship. This status allows authorization for work and entitlement benefits. (See also the definitions for lawful permanent resident alien and permanent resident alien, which are terms used interchangeably with this term).


    An alien who has been granted the right to reside temporarily in the United States. Each nonimmigrant is admitted into the U.S. in the nonimmigrant status that corresponds to the type of visa issued.

    Aliens in some nonimmigrant statuses are permitted to be employed in the United States, and others are not. Some nonimmigrant statuses have strict time limits for the alien's stay in the U.S., while others do not.

    Each nonimmigrant status has rules and guidelines, which must be followed in order for the nonimmigrant to remain "in status." A nonimmigrant who violates one of these rules or guidelines will fall "out of status." A nonimmigrant who remains "out of status" for at least 180 days is deportable and will be unable to re-enter the United States for 3 years. A nonimmigrant who remains "out of status" for at least 365 days is deportable and will be unable to re-enter the United States for 10 years.


    A person who leaves his/her country of origin to seek residence in another country.


    Any person who is outside his or her country of nationality who is unable or unwilling to return to that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution. Persecution, or the fear thereof, must be based on the alien's race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

    Refugees are subject to ceilings by geographic area set annually by the President in consultation with Congress and are eligible to adjust to lawful permanent resident status after one year of continuous presence in the United States.

    U.S. National:

    An individual who owes his sole allegiance to the United States, including all U.S. citizens, and including some individuals who are not U.S. citizens.

    For tax purposes, the term "U.S. national" refers to individuals who were born in American Samoa or were born in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands who have chosen to be U.S. nationals instead of U.S. citizens.

    U.S. Citizen:

    1. An individual born in the United States.
    2. An individual whose parent is a U.S. citizen.
    3. A former alien who has been naturalized as a U.S. citizen.
    4. An individual born in Puerto Rico.
    5. An individual born in Guam.
    6. An individual born in the U.S. Virgin Islands.


    Financial Assistance Organizations


    Contact Information


    National Cancer Institute

    Steps for applying:
    • Call 800-813-HOPE (4673) and speak with a CancerCare social worker to complete a brief interview.
      Hours are 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (ET) Monday through Thursday and 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (ET) on Friday.
    Financial Assistance Program offers limited financial assistance for cancer-related costs (i.e., transportation, child care, etc.). Oncology social workers can assist in finding resources.

    Pain and anti-nausea medication, oral hormonal medication, lymphedema supplies, and durable medical equipment available for those with a breast cancer diagnosis.

    Clients eligible for financial assistance must:
    • have a diagnosis of cancer confirmed by an oncology health care provider;
    • be in active treatment for cancer;
    • live in the U.S. or Puerto Rico; and
    • meet CancerCare eligibility guidelines based on the Federal Poverty Limit.
    CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation
    866-55-COPAY (26729)
    Assists cancer patients with co-payments for chemotherapy and targeted treatment drugs.
    Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (CFAC) CFAC is a coalition of financial assistance organizations joining forces to help cancer patients experience better health and well-being by limiting financial challenges, through:
    • Educating patients and providers about existing resources and linking to other organizations that can disseminate information about the collective resources of the member organizations;
    • Advocating on behalf of cancer patients who continue to bear financial burdens associated with the costs of cancer treatment and care.
    Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief Program
    866-512-3861, option 1
    Provides direct financial assistance to insured patients who meet certain qualifications to help them pay for the prescriptions and/or treatments they need. This assistance helps patients afford the out-of-pocket costs for these items that their insurance companies require.
    Patient Advocate Foundation: Financial Aid Fund Division
    An independent division of Patient Advocate Foundation that provides small grants to patients who meet financial and medical criteria. Grants are provided on first-come, first-served basis and are distributed until funds are depleted.

    Metastatic Breast Cancer Financial Aid Fund:
    • Patients diagnosed with Stage III or Stage IV Breast Cancer
    • Supporting Stage III and Stage IV breast cancer patients, this financial fund provides a $600 grant specifically to cover various non-medical related expenses connected to treatment, including transportation assistance, food, utilities, housing expenses, or pre-burial expenses. Each patient must meet income guidelines and provide documentation of current active treatment or treatment within the last 6 months to finalize the application
    Linking A.R.M.S. Program 800-813-HOPE (4673) CancerCare has partnered with Susan G. Komen for the Cure to create the Linking A.R.M.S. program for underserved low-income women with breast cancer. Program provides limited financial assistance for hormonal and oral chemotherapy, pain and anti-nausea medication, lymphedema supplies, and prostheses for women with breast cancer.

    A reimbursement grant is available and the amount of the grant is subject to availability.
    Sisters Network® Inc. — A National African American Breast Cancer Survivorship Organization
    African American breast cancer survivorship organization. Promotes the importance of breast health through empowerment, support, breast education programs, resources, information, and research. Provides financial assistance for mammograms, co-pay, office visits, prescriptions, medical-related lodging, and prosthesis.
    The Pink Fund
    Provides short-term financial aid to patients who are in treatment for breast cancer. The aid covers both medical and non-medical related expenses, including health insurance premiums, prescriptions, house or rent payments, car insurance payments, and utility payments.

    Applicants must be employed, in active treatment and experiencing a loss or reduction in income as a result. Payments are made directly to creditors.
    Fifth Season Financial Funds for Living
    855-45-FUNDS (38637)
    FLAG program (Funds for Living and Giving): Financial assistance program for clients who have life insurance. Program advances funds based on the face value of the client's life insurance policy which keeping the insurance policy in place.
    Susan G. Komen Financial Assistance Treatment Fund

    To learn more about this program and other helpful resources, call the Komen Breast Care Helpline at 877-GO-KOMEN (877-465-6636).
    Susan G. Komen® partners with CancerCare® to offer the Komen Treatment Assistance Fund which bridges the gap for underserved individuals who are actively undergoing breast cancer treatment.

    It provides the following to low-income, underinsured or uninsured women across the country: an assessment by an oncology social worker; limited financial assistance; breast cancer education; psychosocial support; and information about local resources.

    Funding helps women of any age who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, at any stage of the disease. Financial assistance is granted to women who meet pre-determined eligibility criteria.
    Hill Burton Funds

    *If you use assistive technology, you may not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, contact or 888-275-4772, TTY: 877-489-4772.
    Program by which hospitals that receive construction funds from the federal government are required by law to provide some services to people who cannot afford to pay for their hospitalization.

    Hill Burton funds begin at start of each calendar year.
    Non-U.S. Citizen Health Insurance — Illness and Injury Coverage Non-U.S. citizen health insurance plans cover doctor visits, hospitalization, surgery, prescriptions for illnesses, and injuries. Coverage can begin the next day with no medical tests required.

    Most non-U.S. citizen health insurance plans do not cover pre-existing conditions and preventive care. Some offer limited coverage for pre-existing conditions.

    Plans offer coverage through Preferred Provider Network of hospitals and doctors. Direct cashless settlement of bills is possible.
    Visitor Insurance Services
    Global Health Insurance plans, also called International Medical Insurance plans and International Health Insurance plans, are long-term major medical insurance plans that offer comprehensive worldwide coverage (i.e., all countries including the United States).

    The plans are available to all nationalities and are designed to offer international coverage (i.e., USA and foreign countries) for global residents/travelers (e.g., H1, H4, Green Card holders, international citizens, expatriates, missionaries, etc.), international sailors, and foreign cruisers.

    Global Health Insurance plans offer comprehensive medical benefits, including maternity coverage, mental health coverage, wellness (preventive check-ups), and medical evacuation. These plans are typically long-term plans and do not have a limit on the maximum plan life.
    U.S. Net Care Health Plans
    Medical insurance for non-U.S. citizens in America that covers medical needs in the case of injury or illness.
    Visitors Coverage
    Medical insurance for Green Card or New Immigrants to the U.S. Offers a variety of new immigrant insurance plans and green card health insurance plans suitable for individuals, senior citizens, parents & immigrant’s family members who do not qualify for private or domestic U.S. health insurance.
  • Below are BC3NP's program-approved procedures, rates, diagnosis codes, place of service codes, and revenue codes.

    BC3NP is a federally funded program and not an insurance company. Our rates are based on the Centers for Medicare Services (CMS) Detroit rate, and our approved procedures are provided to us by our funder, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Rates are reviewed bi-annually in January and July, but are subject to change at any time without notice.

    If you have questions, please email

    FY2024 (October 2023 - September 2024)

    FY2023 (October 2022 - September 2023)

    Claims-Related Documents

    Claim Submission, Status, and Refund Information

    Paper Claim Submission Address:
    Elliott-Larsen Building, 5-N
    320 S. Walnut St.
    Lansing, MI 48933

    Claim Status:
    In order to provide the most complete and timely claim status, we ask that you fax a copy of your UB-04 or HCFA-1500 claim form to our secure fax line at 517-763-0290. Be sure to include your email address and phone number so we can reach you.

    Please do not fax new claim submissions.

    Phone (Toll-Free): 866-930-6324
    If you have questions, please email

    Payment Refund Address:
    State of Michigan
    Attn: BC3NP/Billing
    P.O. Box 30437
    Lansing, MI 48909

  • BC3NP Educational Videos

    • BC3NP Program Mission & Purpose -Provides an overview of the history and purpose of the Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP), discusses the gaps this program aims to fill and how it carries out this mission.
    • BC3NP Client Eligibility - Provides a detailed review of the eligibility requirements clients must meet to qualify for BC3NP screening and diagnostic services.
    • BC3NP Medicaid Treatment Act (MTA) Eligibility - Provides a detailed review of the eligibility requirements clients must meet to qualify for BC3NP Medicaid Treatment Act (MTA) coverage.
    • Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity -Defines SOGI data, discusses why and how to collect this data, and provides resources for more information to share with providers and clients.
    • FY23 Q2 Clinical Webinar - Breast Biopsies
  • Below are BC3NP's program-approved forms. Information on the forms with an asterisk (*) is mandatory and, if not filled out when the forms are submitted, may delay enrollment/ processing/ reimbursement/etc. If you have any questions, please email

    All forms can be faxed to MDHHS at 517-763-0290.